Funny Post Del Chavo Drl Ocho
The stories we could tell...
Don Ramon: He was here a minute ago... looking for a fat guy and an idiot.
Quico: [ecstatically] He was looking for us!!!
Quico: Chavo... I think I had an accident.
- The Poem/Story of "El perro arrepentido" ("The Regretful Dog") by El Chavo. Complete with overly dramatic gestures. This is also the only poem the kid knows, so it appears every time.
- The Last-Second Word Swap of Chilindrina when she gets stuck in her song.
"Soy virgencita / riego las flores / y lo que sigue / me se olvidó..." ("I'm a little virgin / I water the flowers / and what it follows / I just forgot")
- The "Sapito" (Lil' Froggy) song that Quico sings. The song is a cutesy frog-themed counting song (in the style of the "100 bottles of beer in the wall" travel song), setting a Overly Long Gag that only ends when someone intervenes around the sixth or seventh frog, leading to the answer:
Quico: But if there is still about 100 froggies left!
- Quico trying to recite the poem "Madre Querida" ("Dearest Mother"). We say trying because El Chavo is The Heckler to his performance, constatly interrupting the very corny poem with hilarious parodic rhymes.
- Since the Brazilian dub runs on Woolseyism, we get hilarious exchanges like this: when El Chavo throws a shoe over the village, and once La Chilindrina comes looking, this happens:
La Chilindrina: Listen, dad. Didn't you see a shoe flying around here?
Don Ramón: Look, I don't even have time to- [Beat] What was flying around?
La Chilindrina: A shoe.
Don Ramón: Oh sure, how could I not? Is it the one from Shoes Airlines?
El Chavo: I learned, right?
Don Ramon: So did I.
- Speaking of Don Ramón boxing, there's the scene where La Chilindrina is seeing the photo album, with the pictures of Don Ramón as a boxer, with the Rocky theme playing in the background. We see a photo of him punching out his opponent, and on the next page, he's being carried off by two assistants after being knocked out. Cue the music dropping.
- When Mr. Barriga and el Chavo arrive to the hotel, Chavo becomes a mess in trying to go through the revolving doors. When he finally enters the hotel's lobby, he's completely in a daze.
- Don Ramón trying to impress a woman in a bikini with a pose, and getting completely ignored.
- El Chavo and Quico start arguing over who of them is better at diving in a pool, so la Chilindrina offers to be the judge, using a chalkboard to show off the scores. She gives el Chavo 10 points and Quico 2.
- Then, Professor Jirafales shows up with a bunch of floating rings for Quico, because Doña Florinda told him he can't swim... right after he jumped into the pool.
- The "rescue" itself is a sight to behold. First, Jirafales accidentally pulls Don Ramón out of the water who complains "Can't one get some pleasant diving here?" before finally getting to Quico. Then when El Chavo comes back with Quico's inner tubes he says "Wouldn't it be better if you stand up?" As it turns out, the pool's water is only knee-deep.
- The poor waiter of the hotel's restaurant. First, Chavo stands up from his chair to call for an order, accidentally knocking the tray off the waiter's hands. The waiter goes to fetch a towel to clean up the mess... only to find a bigger one when el Chavo tips over the whole table everyone is eating at.
- After Quico mocks el Chavo for his destroyed sand castle, el Chavo angrily destroys Quico's, who promptly punches him in the face. Chavo then chases him around, on the way doing some stuff like stepping on Don Ramón and Mr. Barriga while they're buried in the sand, and snatching Doña Cleotilde's coat (causing her to feel embarrassed of being seen in that Old-Timey Bathing Suit she's wearing). Then Quico calls for a break so he can regain his breath.
Chavo: Done?
Quico: [breathing heavily] ... yeah, done.
- Some of the characters get some funny Beach Bury gags. Professor Jirafales being no less than five meters long, Mr. Barriga having a large sand mount, and la Chilindrina being way shorter than she actually is.
- Quico decides to get a suntan, but forgets to remove his diving visor.
- At the end, everyone ends up being thrown into the pool. El Chavo grabs Quico's floating tubes and tosses them. But he accidentally grabs a coconut drink, hitting Don Ramón's head and causing him to fall into the pool too.
- And right immediately, Doña Cleotilde addresses the camera:
"Step back! I'll save him!" [jumps into the water leaving her heels behind]
- And right immediately, Doña Cleotilde addresses the camera:
Quico: You're so dumb because you arrived late to the brains repartition.
El Chavo: So? What 'bout you?
Quico: Ha! Like I ever went! [cue Delayed Reaction]
- The running gag where he accidentally answers shouting (mostly at Professor Jirafales) just because he's irritated.
[Quico has just finished shouting at someone else]
Professor Jirafales: [Calmly] Quico...
Quico: WHAT?! note (In Spanish, "QUÉ COSA?!", "What thing?!", making it more rude) [Embarrassed] I mean, what can I do for you, dear teacher?
- There was one time when Jirafales was so angry that he didn't mind about Quico screaming at him and just went along:
[After the kids kept mocking the professor and making dumb questions]
Professor Jirafales: Did you want information or were just looking for excuses to make fun of me?
Chavo: Okay, but just don't get mad.
Professor Jirafales: I do get mad! [Turns to Quico] Quico!
Quico: WHAT!
Professor Jirafales: IS YOUR MOTHER HOME?!
Professor Jirafales: I'M CALLING!
Quico: YES, SHE IS!
Professor Jirafales: THANK YOU!
[Jirafales walks to Quico's house, gets in without even knocking, and slams the door shut]- Bonus points for Jirafales being so mad that he didn't answer sarcastically to "Who should I say is calling?" as he usually does.
Quico: ...and to my dad, who Rest In Fish.
Professor Girafales: Don't you mean to say "Rest in Peace"?
Quico: No, it's in fish, because a shark ate him.
- The pun is in its original language. Still funny. note "Rest in Peace" in Spanish is "Descanse En Paz", where "Paz" means "peace". "Pez" is "fish" in Spanish, so Quico said "Descanse En Pez".
Don Ramón: If I pinch you, you are gonna call your mom.
Quico: [totally adamant] Of course yes.
Don Ramón: And if she comes. She is going to slap me in the face.
Quico: Of course yes.
Quico: Of course yes.
Don Ramón: But, the pain of the slap won't help you recover from the pain of the pinch. Right?
Quico: [totally worried] Of course not.
Don Ramón: Worth It. [pinches Quico anyway]
- First, Ñoño told one of the first ones to Quico:
Ñoño: Hey Quico, do you know who is the son of my father and mother, but is not my brother?
Quico: [thinks for a bit] No, who it is?
Ñoño: Why, it's me!
- Which Quico then proceeded to tell Chavo:
Quico: Hey Chavo, do you know who is the son of my father and mother, but is not my brother?
Chavo: [thinks a bit] I don't know, who it is?
Quico: Why it's Ñoño! Hahahahaha... [Beat] He tells it better.
Chavo: So your mother is married to Mr. Barriga?
- And then later to Chilindrina:
Quico: [to the others] Haha, I'm gonna get her! [to Chilindrina] Hey Chilindrina, do you know who is the son of my father and—
Chilindrina: You!
Quico: [Beat] Well, stay quiet and let me finish the whole riddle, okay? Now, who is the son of my father and mother, but—
Chilindrina: You!
Quico: [Beat] Wait until I've finished THE WHOLE RIDDLE!!!!
Chilindrina: Fine...
Quico: Okay, who is the son of my father and mother but is not my brother?
Chilindrina: (inflexible) You.
Quico: I wish that all bulldozers in the world would run over la Chilindrina!!!
Chilindrina: That won't happen! Because these wishes, the bad ones, never come true!
Quico: Oh, really? I wish that someone would make la Chilindrina cry!! [Quico starts pulling her hair]
- And later on:
Quico: Now, now, what more should I wish for...?
El Chavo: Why don't you wish for you to stop being stupid?
El Chavo: To wish for you to stop being stupid.
Chilindrina: Because my aunts didn't let me do anything! [...] If I wanted to play Jacks with the new tableware, it was "No!"... If I wanted to camp in the garden and use the salon rug as the tent, "No!"... If I wanted to lit up the TV with a match, "No!". Let me tell you that they didn't let me to make a domino game with the piano's keys... and with all the effort it took me to rip off all the keys from the piano...
El Chavo: What would you do if you found a peso you yourself lost?
El Chavo: Don't be an idiot. I'm talking about if you found a peso that you yourself lost.
Quico: ... Well, I'd buy a lollipop.
- Earlier in the episode, la Chilindrina is checking out the bags, grabs a tronador and throws it without warning. The boom causes Don Ramón to rip the newspaper he's reading in half, with the pages perfectly intact.
Don Ramón: And right now when the international football match is about to start! [grabs the TV] This is what happens when you buy second-hand stuff!! [smashes and stomps the TV, and then El Chavo and La Chilindrina enter the house]
Chilindrina: Daddy? Dad?
Don Ramón: WHAT?!
Quico: Notice I only missed two!
- Quico steals El Chavo's comics, who then gets angry and chases after him with a brick in hand. When Chavo spots Quico, he throws the brick, but since El Chavo is well known to have a bad aim, the bricks hits the lamp bulb on the entrance door of the venidad, shattering it. But the brick hits something else too...
Quico: See what you did!?
Chavo: It's just a lamp bulb!
Quico: I'm not talking about the lamp bulb!
Chavo: Then what?
Quico: Take a look!
[Don Ramón lies knocked out in the floor with the brick completely shattered over his body]
- Later, Don Ramón is trying to change the lamp bulb again. Chavo is playing with a baseball, which has a similar size in comparison with the lamp bulb. The result is predictable.
[Chavo starts to play with his ball and Quico arrives in the scene]
Quico: Just so you know, I have a bigger ball than yours!
Chavo: I don't care!
Quico: Don't care? I'm going to show to you, you'll see!
Chavo: I don't want to see it!
Don Ramón: Chavo. Give me the lamp bulb.
[Chavo was about to give the lamp to Don Ramón but turns back to reply to Quico]
Chavo:: My ball bounces more than yours!
Don Ramón: [starting to get angry] Chavo! Give me the lamp bulb!
[Chavo was about to give the lamp to Don Ramón but turns back to reply to Quico again]
Chavo: ...and you don't know how to play! You don't know nothing! You are dumb!
Don Ramón: [already angry] CHAVO! Give me the lamp bulb!
Quico: [comes out holding his big ball] What did you say?
[Chavo was about to give the lamp to Don Ramón but turns back to reply to Quico, for the third time]
Chavo:: You don't know how to play you dumb!
Don Ramón: [very angry] CHAAAVO! If you don't give me the lamp bulb I'll get off the barrel and punch your head off!
El Chavo: [worried] No, no, here it is [accidentally gives the baseball to Don Ramón].
Don Ramón: (starts to screw until he notices Chavo gave him the ball instead of the lamp bulb).
El Chavo: [holding the lamp bulb] My ball is a lot better and bounces a lot more than yours!
Don Ramón: Careful, Chavo, don't go breaking the lamp-
[El Chavo throws the lamp bulb in the floor, shattering it]
El Chavo: [worried] Oh my.
- The scene right after, Don Ramón finally gets to replace the bulb without a hitch, gets off the barrel and says this to El Chavo:
Don Ramón:: [suddenly stops and looks at the camera] What did he say?! [El Chavo breaks the bulb off-screen]
El Chavo: [cheerfully] Yes, I could!
- At the end of the episode, Don Ramón has finally put the light bulb in place and sits on top of the upturned barrel he's been using to try and screw it all along. Then La Chilindrina asks him how is he going to stop el Chavo from breaking it again.
Don Ramon: You tell her how, Chavo!
El Chavo: (From inside the barrel) They don't have patience with me!
Prof. Jirafales: Let's see, Chilindrina... who destroyed Tenochtitlan?
Prof. Jirafales: What?
Chilindrina: [Bursting into tears] I swear it was not me, professor. I wasn't even there when it was destroyed! [Starts crying]
Prof. Jirafales: But I only asked you who destroyed Tenochtitlan!
(El Chavo raises his hand)
Prof. Jirafales: Let's see, Chavo...
Chavo: [Stands up] Professor, I know La Chilindrina very well and if she says she didn't destroy it it's because it was not her.
Chilindrina: [Still crying] Thank you, Chavo... [Stands up, kisses El Chavo and both hug each other]
- In the Brazilian dub, Chilindrina goes as far as adding: "I wasn't even there when it happened, I was at the movies!"
Prof. Jirafales: Godínez, how many parts is the human skull divided in?
Godínez: Depends on how much you clubbed it.
- Similarly, another time when Godínez finally gets an answer right ("Which are the five continents?") and claiming he memorized it. This left Profesor Jirafeles amazed... until he starts answering almost every question with "Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Oceania!".
- After getting the usual slap from Doña Florinda, Don Ramón accidentally throws his hat into the house right when Quico closes the door. He quickly knocks so they open it for him to retrieve it, and Quico plays along chasing him out after he does.
- In the "Don Ramón ropavejero" arc, Doña Florinda finally snaps and decides that she's gonna confiscate Don Ramón's sack. In this scene obviously she was supposed to hit Quico with the sack after lifting it up, but she lifted it too high, and accidentally knocked Quico's hat off his head. You have to see his face afterwards.
- In one of the "Guerra de la independencia" episodes, La Chilindrina is trying to stop El Chavo from throwing confetti at her so she starts turning around... but at one point, her glasses fly away. When El Chavo approaches Quico, the latter is suddenly wearing La Chilindrina's glasses, and explains what happened.
- In general, there are plenty of scenes where the cast either hide or lower their faces because they themselves can't help but laugh.
El Chavo: I was going on the bicycle when I was suddenly distracted because there was a very beautiful woman in the streets. [El Profesor Jirafales, who was the "judge", tries to stare somewhere else]
[El Chavo approaches El Profesor Jirafales]
El Chavo: Should I tell them who that man was?
Prof. Jirafales: No, there's no need for that.
El Chavo: Don't you want me...
Prof. Jirafales: I declare El Chavo not guilty and the court is adjourned!
- This otherwise-already-funny episode goes Up to Eleven if one crosses it over with
Ace Attorney
- This exchange dserves a mention:
Don Ramón: Yes, it is true that El Chavo ran over the cat, but did it out of fear. Chilindrina, what did the cat do to Chavo before he ran it over?
La Chilindrina: It bit him.
Don Ramón: And what did it do ten minutes later?
La Chilindrina: It bit him again.
Don Ramón: And five minutes later?
La Chilindrina: It bit him again.
Don Ramón: How do you call this?
La Chilindrina: Re-biting! note This is another case of a spanish pun, since "biting" is said "morder", Chilindrina called it "re-mordimiento". Remordimiento means "remorse".
- During the previous episode, we get the following exchange after The Reveal that El Chavo had run over Quico's cat:
[Everyone starts yelling and arguing]
Prof. Jirafales: Silence! If we keep arguing like this, we'll stay here until it gets dark!
La Chilindrina: [eloquently] No, rather: from discussion, light is born!
Doña Florinda: You were saying, Professor...?
Prof. Jirafales: I was thinking-
La Chilindrina: What a miracle!
Prof. Jirafales: Tá-tá-tá-tá-tá! Is this the kind of education they teach you at home?!
La Chilindrina: No, this one, I learned at school.
Prof. Jirafales: Oh, thank goodn- What?!
Don Ramón: [after spending the whole exchange laughing in the background] Chilindrina, please! What kind of respect is this with Professor Jirafales? Take in mind that no matter what, he's your teacher!
Prof. Jirafales: Hold on, hold on, listen! What do you mean when you say "no matter what"?
Don Ramón: That you continue from where you've been interrupted. You were thinking...
Prof. Jirafales: [dumbfounded]' I was? When?
Don Ramón: [Beat]'' You said that.
La Chilindrina: Nosey old hag!
Don Ramón: [In a challenging tone] Repeat that!
La Chilindrina: Nosey old hag! [Beat] I wasn't gonna repeat it, but he told me to.
- In "El alumno más inteligente", after Quico mocks Ñoño for being fat...
Ñoño: And I don't answer back because I don't like arguing with an idiot.
Quico: The one that is arguing with an idiot IS YOU! [proudly looks away until he realizes what he said] - Twice in the second part of "Pintando la vecindad", during an exchange between La Chilindrina and Profesor Jirafales. In both cases, he eventually realizes about what he said:
La Chilindrina: El Chavo is so infuriating! He's capable of making the most stupid kid in the world get angry!
Quico: [who was cleaning the front door of his home] Yeah, me.
Profesor Jirafales: There are no stupid kids, Chilindrina. There are people who are more intelligent and there are people who are less intelligent.
La Chilindrina: And where do you place Quico?
Quico: Yeah, Professor! Where do you place me? - In "La casa de la bruja", La Chilindrina asks El Chavo and Quico to help her deliver a newspaper to Doña Clotilde, but they are scared about what they may find out:
La Chilindrina: We need to think a plan.
Quico: [worried] Me too?
La Chilindrina: No, Quico. I cannot ask you for impossibles.
Quico: [relieved] Ah, thank goodness.
- Doña Clotilde being the only one that realizes who the "ghost" actually is, and even plays The Comically Serious by stealing the bed sheet from El Chavo (as he had his eyes closed) to scare him.
- Doña Florinda faints upon seeing El Chavo as the ghost. Later, once she starts to regain conciousness, La Chilindrina arrives with her monster mask on and Doña Florinda faints again.
- When La Chilindrina arrives with her mask on, El Chavo gets the garrotera. Later, when La Chilindrina explains that she is using a mask, El Chavo asks her to take it off. While El Chavo looks for his bed sheet, La Chilindrina takes the mask off, but then El Chavo says she is still wearing it.
- At the end, El Chavo and La Chilindrina have the bed sheet and the mask taken away, but El Chavo found something scarier - a photo of Doña Florinda. He then shows it to Quico, La Chilindrina and himself, and they all faint.
El Chavo: I present you this pistol in order to make you stupid the hill sons behind my three pest grails. For prince of fairytales, I shall maim thee brute, gonions arlic, and in your cow, fire teeths. That's why, I warm you in this leather that you keep the wine that I manly do love too. note I present you this epistle (formal letter) in order to make you too see the reasons behind my deepest wails. First thing I must detail, I shall pay tribute (to your beauty), glorious eyelids, and in your mouth, fiery lips. That's why, I warn you in this letter that you keep in mind that I really do love you.
"As long as you hold a book in your hands, you'll be good people. Never let go of the books. As long as you hold a book in your hands, you'll be great, hard-working people. In other words, as long as you hold a book in your hands, you'll be like me. [Cue everyone dropping the books]
Doña Florinda: Treasure, how many times have I told you to not judge people based on their physical aspects?
Doña Clotilde: What?! If I look like a witch to you, then I'll let you know you look like a roundworm with anemia to me!
- Later on, Doña Florinda knocks on her door and calls her a witch to her face in retaliation. Doña Clotilde then goes back inside her house, but El Chavo arrives a couple of seconds later, and when he knocks at her door, she responds with this:
El Chavo: Witch! [Beat] You're the one who started!
- Speaking of said Running Gag there was once a memorable scene where Don Ramón mimicked, in the most mocking way possible, the entire scene where Profesor Jirafales meets Doña Florinda. The two are so lovestruck they didn't even notice Don Ramón making fun of them.
- And to make it worse, he continues to do so after they leave. Cue Doña Clotilde showing up, right when he says "Come to my arms waiting for you passionately!"
- There are ocassions when Profesor Girafales was talking about a specific topic to the kids and when Doña Florinda shows up, he ends up mixing up their usual routine, like when he was talking to the kids about the danger of microbes in non-boiled water when she shows up.
Doña Florinda': Professor Girafales!
Professor Girafales: Doña Microbio! I mean, Doña Florinda!
Doña Florinda: What a miracle you come around.
Professor Girafales: I came to bring you these microbes... I mean, this flower bouqet.
Doña Florinda: Oh thank you! But don't you want to come for a coffee cup?
Professor Girafales: Won't that be too many microbes? I-I mean...
Chavo: And I don't hit you just because good people should love their enemies.
Chavo: Should have said it before! [punches Quico out and takes his soda]
- These exchanges at the beginning, when Mr. Barriga and Professor Jirafales bring the American Football for the kids. Then, El Chavo hits Mr. Barriga with Quico's ball.
Quico: [seeing the American football] My ball!
Chavo: Chanfle! He squashed it with his belly and left it like an egg!
[Quico goes off to cry leaning on the wall, then Professor Jirafales approaches el Chavo]
Prof. Jirafales: It's not an egg! This is an American football.
Chavo: Ah, so it belonged to a gringo? - When doing the warmup exercises, Ñoño refuses to do one by crouching down, saying that he can't. Professor Jirafales insists that he does, and when Ñoño crouches...
Chavo: [checking behind Ñoño] No, it's not what we thought. Just his pants ripped open.
- Don Ramón's attempt to teach Chavo how to do a defensive tackle.
Don Ramón: Now, hit me.
Chavo: For what?
Don Ramón: Just hit me, I'll tell you later.
Chavo: [punches Don Ramón in the face]
Don Ramón: I meant that you tackled me like in the game, not that you PUNCH ME!
Chavo: Well, you didn't explain. - With Godínez it didn't go any better. First, Don Ramón tries to tackle him and Godínez jumps over him to dodge, making him fall flat on his face. Then Don Ramón tries to get some payback by daring Godínez to tackle him now... and somehow Godínez ends up taking Don Ramón's pants off of him.
- Then when Quico tries to practice kicking the ball while El Chavo holds it in place, el Chavo repeatedly removes the ball while telling Quico to be careful to not to kick his hand. What follows is that Quico breaks into his usual "¡CÁLLATE, CÁLLATE, CÁLLATE, QUE ME DESESPERAS!", but he can only voice the first syllables and the last one, while mouthing the rest because he's too winded from running around so much.
- At the end, after la Chilindrina scores a touchdown, she tosses the ball at Don Ramón, who is too busy congratulating her that he can't defend himself when the kids all dogpile on him for the ball. So, when they're back at the vecindad, Mr. Barriga comments that he went through the trouble to get them the football equipment for nothing. Chavo's answer:
"Well, Ron Damón didn't have any use for it. But we've already gotten him some new equipment." [cue Don Ramón being brought strapped to a stretcher, breathing with an oxigen mask and an oxygen tank]
La Chilindrina: Daddy! You just stomped your hat!
Don Ramón: Yes, why?
Don Ramón: Okay, let's assume this here is a skull. [beat] BUT WHAT DOES IT MEAN?! [beat] A pirate flag? NO! A graveyard's notice? Nope. This skull here means DANGER! You've heard me! DAN-GER!
- Then to illustrate, he proceeds to act what happens when you drink of a poisoned bottle, or touch electric cables without protection, complete with overplaying his death and milking it for all it's worth. Even Professor Jirafales is impressed and gives him a "Bravo!" while clapping enthusiastically.
- A bit later, he tries to teach el Chavo about fractions, but he decides to make up an example of Quico being run over (and split) repeatedly by a train. Both Chavo's responses and Quico acting like he's actually being run over are priceless:
Don Ramón: [after splitting "Quico" in half] What do we have here, Chavo?
Chavo: A funeral.
Don Ramón: Now let's imagine the train splits "Quico" again. What do we have here?
Chavo: Now we have a funeral.
Chavo: Why (do you want to beat Quico up)?
La Chilindrina: Because he keeps telling everybody I'm a midget.
Chavo: Ah, don't make such a big deal about that. Quico's just a parrot that keeps repeating what everyone else says.
La Chilindrina: [nods, then realises what he just said]
Chavo: Look, next time he calls you short, grab him and headbutt him in the knee!
La Chilindrina: [stares at him in disbelief]
Chavo: Because you're only as short as I am stupid.
La Chilindrina: ...So that means I'm a germ?!?
- The ending is a sight to behold. Doña Clotilde's dog hides under a cardboard box, which Don Ramón kicks, breaking the poor pooch's leg. Then accidentally Quico and el Chavo leave a plant pot under the box, and when Don Ramón kicks it again, ends up with a broken foot. Doña Clotilde later comes to rub salt on the wound.
Doña Clotilde: I'm sorry, Don Ramón. But that's the law of retaliation. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth [shows off her dog's bandaged leg] and a leg for a leg.
Don Ramón: [gets up from the chair and mutters sarcastically] A leg for a leg. WITCH! - And since Doña Clotilde left the dog on the chair, the kids come back later and find him...
Chavo: You see Ron Damón?! I told ya she was gonna transform you into an animal!
Don Ramón: I don't believe in jinxes, but the truth is that I couldn't earn a single peso today.
El Chavo: I did! I did earn a peso! I got a peso from Doña Florinda in exchange of sweeping the courtyard with this broom.
Don Ramón: Well, I'm jealous at you.
El Chavo: [showing Don Ramón the peso he got] Take this.
[emotional music starts playing as Don Ramón realizes El Chavo's action, very touched by it]
Don Ramón: Chavo, I—
El Chavo: [gives Don Ramón both the peso and the broom] But make sure it's very well cleaned!
[The music slowly stops as Don Ramón gets angry and El Chavo happily leaves]
- Then at the end, they try again, but once again they come in different order, and they screw it up again. First, Gloria goes "He died?! I swear, I didn't meant to hit him so hard! Excuse me!" and then runs away. Then, Doña Florinda is told to come in, and her response is "Ah, so a masochist. And I'm a sadist!" then goes in to beat him up. Lastly, when Doña Cleotilde comes too, Quico misses and instead plants the pie into la Chilindrina's face.
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