Is It Safe to Trip Again a Few Days Later

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ULTIMATE GUIDE To Feeling Weird or Still high several days/weeks/months later on

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by HazedHead, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. HazedHead

    Hullo guys! I'm new hither and the only reason i joined (for now) is to spread my story and research on this topic as this experience i would not wish on my worst enemy. I would have killed for the data i am about to offer when i was in this situation. So without further ado, i will brainstorm:


    And then my approximate is you are here because you smoked weed. Okay, that's fine. Merely yous are here because the next day after you still accept this weird feeling, as if your still high. Skilful news, that's FINE. Simply ane or two days subsequently is normal and should get away very quickly. Merely if it unlikely continues to iii or 4 days, now is when this guide will come in handy.

    First i'll start off past sharing my story of how this happened: So it was July 2013 and i had smoked several times before this, probably around 10ish times. I would smoke about once a week. I decided to make an edible (i had never had one before). Ate it, cipher happened, and so i smoked and WOW that was a fun high! That went away within the adjacent twenty-four hours but iv days later i made another 1 and ate that and didnt fume. I fell comatose mid high and woke up in a haze as i normally do the side by side twenty-four hour period (information technology usually went abroad for me past the cease of the adjacent day). 3 days later i was swimming and just started thinking and i couldn't seem to embrace that i had parents. Yeah, it was scary. It just seemed like a fake memory and all. This was really odd and didn't like it. I only started googling my symptoms (over again, bad thought) and people just said it'll get away. So eventually afterwards about 5 days information technology started to fade. And so i smoked again and it got worse. And so afterward about a week and a half information technology started to fade again, i smoked again and and so it came back. Waited two weeks, information technology fades, i smoke again and it comes back. At present this is of import, I NEVER LET Information technology GO COMPLETELY Away. I always smoked when it Nigh went away. Anyway, back to the story. So by at present this "ghost high" is getting longer and longer. So school starts and i buy a new bong and decided to try it out (never used one before) with my friends. WOW i got high! Merely i felt really off the next day. I hoped it would go away. That dark i had piece of work, going in to work i felt really weird, similar i was different from anybody else. Just by the terminate of the night i felt COMPLETELY fine; however on the manner back i started to fade dorsum into the the haze. two days subsequently i went to the lake and it seemed like it went abroad, just came dorsum and it was back. Below, i will recap week by calendar week my experience, but that is the story of how i got there.

    Okay Start you desire to stay at-home, everything will be fine. You are non going crazy and yous will Not be like this forever. Practice Not i echo DO NOT keep googling this! This is a very very bad idea equally many people whom have never been in this state of affairs offer negative advice and other things and you want to stay away from that. Once you lot find this guide, don't ever become researching about this again.

    Okay then, here is my experience after the state of affairs.

    Week 1 - Felt similar i was in a dream, everything seemed different. Went to my beloved childhood lake house and it didn't feel the same. I would go somewhere, come back, and the memory would exist hazy. Very bad week. But again, whenever i was at work, it went away an hour in. Also, during this time i had VERY VERY vivid dreams.

    Week 2 - Worst week. This ghost loftier was getting more and more than scary and it kept getting longer and longer. The 12th day was a very bad day. I went and got sno-cones with my girlfriend and when i came back it felt similar i hadn't gone. Very scary. I would wake up every solar day not believing this is actually happening.

    Calendar week 3 - Things are getting ameliorate, simply a bit. I plant coffee which made me experience better. Caffeine really helped. Things are starting to brand sense once more only nevertheless feeling weird.

    Calendar week 4 - The beginning was by far the worst. I was having a chat near life with my friends, like why are nosotros here and such, and i had a very very bad feet set on. I felt like i was completely dissimilar from everyone else and everything was fake. This is when i plant God over again. I went to church building that sunday and was feeling much much amend knowing in that location was a meaning to all of this.The rest of the week was better.

    Week 5 - I had a pretty good week once more, my birthday is at the stop of this week and was anxious towards this which kept my mind off of it. That fri i had alcohol for the first time since this experience. Made me feel amend momentarily.

    Week 6 - Started with my bday. I had fun, still definitely feeling unlike only notwithstanding, keeps getting better. By the terminate of this week i could really literally meet the old world trying to come dorsum into my vision. Like it is too hard to explain, only i would wait somewhere and it would look like i did months ago before all of this. Very good

    Week 7 - This is where i am now, and i can say, i am xc% back and it keeps getting better. It feels so good to be able to remember what i was doing and be way more aware of my surroundings.

    I would like to point out an important experience you will feel in this process. For me, in the start i would find i would be in the brume and every so often i would meet clearly for a few seconds so fall back into information technology. However, eventually information technology flip flops, you get-go to run into clearly all the time and autumn into pockets every so often into the haze.

    Then as you can see, information technology was a pretty bad month. Below is a listing of practise-nots that i have found helpful:

    ane. Practice not smoke (thats an obvious)
    ii. Do non think about it. Attempt to keep your mind off of information technology equally much equally possible.
    3. Exercise not search google for answers

    I constitute this guide to quitting marijuana that helped me TREMENDOUSLY, i will highlight the important parts for this particular guide. ( cited:

    So they draw what is happening to you equally follows (and it is SPOT on):
    "Experimenting with cannabis, you are frequently acutely intoxicated and feel this land in
    relation to a normal non-intoxicated country of consciousness. The aftereffects are a passive,
    unreflecting, and blunt state of consciousness, lasting a day or ii. If y'all smoke over again inside a
    period of six weeks or less, these aftereffects concluding longer. You accept gradually adjusted to this
    altered land of sensation and it volition exist your new normal country of consciousness. After a period of
    regular apply you and so feel the astute land of intoxication in relation to the upshot of the
    chronic influence (existence passive and blunt).
    Subsequently a critical period of chronic utilize, the acute state of intoxication is so perceived as i which
    creates a feeling of beingness capable and normal. This state lasts for two to three hours and is reported
    equally weaker than mean solar day-to-day chapters in the non-intoxicated state. The furnishings vary with the doses
    used over time. Acutely intoxicated you lot will experience a feeling of capacity and a sense of being
    normal and thereby enabled to perform different tasks.
    In the commencement you smoke to get stoned, merely after a while (individually) you lot take to smoke to be
    normal and to get a nice feeling."

    And this is why it is of import to abstain completely:
    "When you stop using cannabis it will take at least six weeks before nearly of the cannabis has left
    your organization (sometimes upwardly to x weeks). It is important to abstain totally, because if yous smoke
    i joint every solar day, you will never get a full emptying. In that instance it volition exist more than difficult to
    bargain with your emerging feelings on an intellectual basis. "

    Fastened to this post is a chart that they used to correlate the negative feelings y'all will feel and the THC is your system.

    Now this is very important to understand, THC is fat soluble, therefor it stays in your arrangement waaaay longer than h2o soluble drugs like alcohol. Plus it is non every bit bad for your body therefor your body does not work to go this out as fast. I will cover this in final theories at the bottom.

    Adjacent i volition tell you my experience with the following things while under this haze:

    Booze - would feel perfectly fine. My memory would feel fine and normal as it always has been. The morn afterwards (if i had a skilful amount) i would feel absolutely wonderful, like information technology had disappeared. But somewhen it would come dorsum and it would feel as powerful every bit ever and gently start to get meliorate.

    Nicotine - same deal as booze, except i wouldnt feel good the side by side day

    Multivitamins - It seems to help merely it could be a placebo effect. Either fashion i would take these as your body needs the nutrients.

    Caffeine - This helped alot. Increased my concentration on the world effectually me rather than in my mind.


    Odd things that actually helped me:

    1. Sunglasses. Specially blu-blockers. I dont know why, just whenever i wore them i felt fine. And when i took them off i felt fine for nigh two minutes.

    2. Looking directly upward into the heaven with only the sky in my vision for several seconds. When i looked around i felt normal later on. Foreign!

    Okay. So i covered everything matter i could think of right now. Now it is fourth dimension to try to answer the question: "Why did this happen to me?" Well, there are several theories of mine, i will listing them below. Please keep in listen that many will say that some of these dont make whatsoever sense...well this state of affairs i and you were in doesn't make any sense and shouldn't of happened.

    Theory ane: As the guide had said, the more yous get accustomed to smoking weed, the more you volition get used to this state of mind and it will become your new normal. This beings to misfile your listen into what is the real reality and information technology will have some time, average 2 to 3 months.

    Theory ii: The THC is yet active in your trunk. From what i have read from other people'southward experience whom this happens to they say that nigh a week after they pass a drug examination, it goes abroad and they feel like a new person. I am not sure why this only would happen to some people. Perhaps some how the THC turned sour or something, i dont know for sure

    Theory three: Y'all are over thinking information technology. Yes i know, when you're in this spot, this is the last thing you want to here. I experience like this isn't true simply it does make some good points. You are trying to compare the past to the present, and we all know that doesn't work. Our babyhood e'er seemed like the best time ever but while we were living in our babyhood it didn't seem that good. This is considering our memory sometimes tends to create a separate reality and tries to remember things better than they were.

    Theory four: Change in environment. When i smoked from the bong, i went from not having to do anything in the summer to starting school, a job, and a girlfriend. This could brand me overthink things and make me thinks things have inverse when they really haven't and just my surroundings has

    Theory 5: This is iffy. And then i was thinking maybe the reason information technology happens to some people is that sometimes your heed gets stuck, like a sort of limbo between used to THC and not. The reason i retrieve this is considering this would explain why this only happens to some people. Some people remain high through this adjustment therefor it passes. But if they are non high and the adjustment started happening while yous were coming down from the loftier, yous might get stuck there and not be able to adjust or come back until weeks of reality.

    I firmly believe that theory 2 is the truest. I believe this considering several times throughout the by month i accept randomly started to feel high. This has get less and less prevalent as time passes and i start to see the world as it used to. The THC is before long to be completely out of my organisation for the first fourth dimension in months and i believe i will be fully back to normal by and then. After 3 and a half months i will smoke once again and meet if it happens again. If not, neat! If so, i will detox with detox pills to get the THC out of my system and if i experience normal speedily i will know this theory is right.

    HOWEVER, theory 3 is good because every bit i stated before, whenever i worked (work as a decorated busser at a restaurant) i was so decorated i was unable to call up most it for hours. At the finish of my shift i was like "was i really feeling out of it before? I feel great and completely normal!" just information technology would before long set back in as i started to thinking nearly it.

    Oh and i forgot to mention, 9/10 what y'all are experiencing is not depersonification or derealization. Many people are quick to weep this, but usually it isn't true. People who get this typically get this because of a extremely tragic event like the untimly death of their son or such. The reason people compare this experience from weed is because they take common symptoms, only they are not the same at all.

    Then you are not going crazy! These things happen, but it is not proven why. The of import things to remember are keep your mind off of information technology and it will get away! Only everytime these thoughts arise, just say calmly to yourself "it's merely the weed, it will go away". Just exist positive and you'll be fine! I realize these things are scary, but trust me, your fine. And stay off google! Don't google your symptoms! And please, dont scroll down. Information technology may contain comments from people who had never went through this experience before proverb it won't get away and you lot want to remain as positive as possible. Trust someone who went through this, it volition go abroad! Merely trust your listen and find something to keep your mind off of information technology :)

    If anyone has any questions or comments or corrections or experiences they would similar to share virtually this, please leave them beneath. If i feel they are of positive value i will include them in this guide.

    Thank you for this time. It feels really, really good to exist able to spread this info, and if i help simply i person, i will have succeeded. Information technology took me about 2 hours straight to type this and i just really want to pass this information on to all those who feel it because i really wish i had all of this when i first started experiencing it, it would take saved me alot of anxiety.

    Cheers, best of luck. I dont heed if you lot post this in other forums, but i would appreciate some credit, cheers!!

    PS: I would just similar to mention, i love marijuana, it is the astonishing found God gave usa. It is one of the greatest things on this world. Don't become me wrong, i'thou not trying to make people quit, just abjure until your heed is back to normal. IF you want to fume after this, more than power to you! I know i volition, and i hope it doesnt come back :smoke:

      EDIT: And then i found out that the reason this happened was considering i was using creatine, if you lot would like to read up on that i made a dissever thread for information technology -

    Fastened Files:

    • THC Chart.jpg
  2. SamsonNite

    SamsonNite My life purpose is...

    Sounds like youre over contemplating this..

    I wish i could still be high for longer than a few hours, let alone weeks... shit

  3. B I G

    You feel loftier weeks after smoking?

    Pass me some of what you have

  4. ganjapowerissoamazin

    I'll it's not feeling high, but when I actually think about it I exercise act a little different than I usually would a few days later on I smoke. Idk about weeks merely I definitely notice the solar day after from whatsoever amount and from a large fume sesh I can feel the after effects two-3 days afterwards.
  5. Ras_Star

    Ras_Star Well-Known Member

    It used to be that I would smoke a j nd get high for most ii-3 hourd nd hv an "afterward glo" (nice, mellow buzzed feeling) for about another four-v hours but definitely non more that.

    I want to know the strain u smoked coz existence 'high' for weeks jus sounds crazy to me

    • Like Like x 1
  6. Radkitten420

    Lmfao !

    I didn't empathize this post at all I wish I would stay high for more than than a couple hours. For reals wat is y'all smokeong

    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. RomanianDevil

    RomanianDevil Registered User

    Hypothesis not theory. Lets at least reform the experiment to be understandable before you publish it.
  8. TX2NM

    Lolol I'yard with some of these guys about not reading the whole post!

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  9. HazedHead

    It was mango kush well-nigh recently, simply this has happened with a variety of strains
  10. Tree Of Life

    Tree Of Life Bitter truth > Sweet lies

  11. HazedHead

    It's more of a mental matter I think, perhaps not. I'1000 not sure why it would happen now but not before. Information technology could be because before that I recently started thinking of weed as a "transport" to another world and so possibly my encephalon got convinced information technology was true idk
  12. shae152

    shae152 Well-Known Fellow member

    I noticed when I first started at an older age that it would concluding in my system for a 24-hour interval or two, just it would only be a light haze and memory bug, since my retentivity has always been really good. Simply I think because information technology's fatty soluble, if you have more fat cells and information technology gets stored, it may affluent your system with it a little bit as you burn that fat in other activities. And so information technology could be randomly nowadays. I would imagine people who are thinnest or with a higher metabolism burn information technology faster. One time your encephalon is used to functioning with information technology at certain levels information technology's not as noticeable, imo. Y'all definitely sound like there are other issues at play hither though, with the feet etc...
  13. Haze840

    I have read through your entire post twice and I'm afraid I don't agree that Cannabis is causing your "symptoms". First off your mixing alcohol CANNOT remove the effects of THC nor does return someone to a normal frame of mind. Secondly yep information technology altered the state of mind merely only for a short time. Even though THC is stored In fat cells and tin can take weeks to go entirely metabolized information technology does will not continually become someone high otherwise people would just smoke once or twice a month. Personally this thread sounds very fishy to me (anti Cannabis propaganda) merely if y'all are experiencing what y'all have written it is nearly likely acquired by a pre-existing condition that you may non be aware of, either that or your but very very very paranoid. Maybe you did experience what you said, every bodies body is different, but next fourth dimension please be more I formed and offer us some scientific evidence to support your claims. If I were dealing with a similar scenario (I as well have my own problems) this thread wouldn't accept been helpful at all. A more than detailed analysis of the state of affairs with research to dorsum upwardly your theories would have been much more helpful (especially since your advice on how to convalesce the symptoms are "don't google information technology or read other breads on the subject). I apologize if I'one thousand existence rude only this is my opinion.
  14. Rootsphere_Farms

    Start 2 weeks i smoked, I smoked my first fourth dimension a got smashed, 5 days after i smoked again and continuing v days later on that I was having pretty astringent "aftershocks" where I would become high randomly for ten seconds at a time. It happened well-nigh 10 times the following 5 days afterward smoking it went away later on a few weeks
  15. Deleted member 699232

    Are you talking about the cool haze you slip into sometimes? Everyone slips into information technology once in a while, it'due south chosen spacing out. Seems when I smoke it happens a bit more often but never longer than a few seconds. Do you accept problems focusing?

    This thread really belongs in mind over matter or something.

  16. kingdomofmauri

    kingdomofmauri Registered User


    Ah.. anyway, I'grand guessing you're like nineteen or xx or something. I think this sort of thing is just part of growing upwardly, I call up feeling really out of information technology sometimes when I was that historic period. It's definitely not you being high. Likewise deep inside your own caput to accept any grasp on reality. All-time way I can explain it is it's as if you don't accept a good agreement of what your trunk is telling you.

    For example, you lot are in a depressive land of heed (you don't have to exist bi polar to become through ups and downs) at this lake business firm, and then you don't bask yourself. Only at that age yous don't see yourself the way you would from the third person, and perhaps you're non that familiar with what'due south going on internally. You need some sort of explanation and so you lot create this whole hypochondriac dream world.

    My communication; don't remember about it and just live in the moment, especially if you're feeling out of it, soon you'll forget the whole thing.

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